Phillip Griffiths Assistant Research Professor in Department of Mathematics Duke University Office: 120 Science Drive, 222 Physics Building, Durham, NC, 27708 Email: jiajia dot yu at duke dot edu Google scholar ORCID Github CV
Overall, I am interested in applied and computational math. Currently, I work on numerical methods and applications of mean-field games and optimal transport.
2023.08-2026.07 Duke University, Department of Mathematics , Durham, NC Phillip Griffiths Assistant Research Professor Mentors: Prof. Hongkai Zhao and Prof. Xiuyuan Cheng. I also work closely with Prof. Jian-Guo Liu.
2018-2023 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Troy, NY Ph.D. in Mathematics Advisor: Prof. Rongjie Lai
2013-2017 Beijing Normal University, School of Mathematical Sciences, Beijing, China B.S in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
[2024.11] Our draft Convergence Analysis and Acceleration of Fictitious Play for General Mean-Field Games via the Best Response is online. In this paper, we give the convergence rate of fictitious play for non-potential mean-field games by studying the stability of the best response mapping.
[2024.10] Our draft Zeroth-order Stochastic Cubic Newton Method with Low-rank Hessian Estimation is online.
[2024.08] Our paper A bilevel optimization method for inverse mean-field games is accepted by Inverse Problems.
[2025.03] AMS 2025 Spring Central Sectional Meeting, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
[2025.01] Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM 2025), Seattle, WA